Paris, Oh la la

In the famous words of our beloved Audrey Hepburn, Paris is always a good idea… and it is from this enchanted city itself, that our team found the inspiration to bring to life this amazing delicious French chambre.

The creative process of a mural with Lily Duclaud goes something like this; Lily meets the client with her team of designers, and in this case, the client is a little one. She hears out all of the ideas and the dreams the little one has for the space, and then starts sketching.

On this particular occasion, the whole room consists of the streets of Paris, with famous characters from popular movies pop up, such as Mrs. Potts, and Lumiére from Beauty and the Beast, and Marie from Artistocats, to keep the space young and fun.

Paris landmarks such as the Eiffel Tower, and Notre Dame Cathedral also play an important role in the mural. We strived for a balance between cultural aspects of the city, and fun ones like the characters previously mentioned.

If we talk about Paris, we have to talk about Laduree. This French luxury bakery and sweets maker house, famous for its macaroons, has its flagship store on Champs Elysées, with its celadon green façade, sumptuous chairs detailed in gold, marble-topped tables, thick satiny curtains that have an air of Marie-Antoinette… wow, just wow, one of the most luxurious moments you can have in Paris for sure. All of its architecture and pastel colors, served as inspiration for the mural, making the space look, and feel like our loved Paris, with its very own French Café. Hard to picture it right? They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but in this case, we have a video! And it seems like there’s only three letters to adequately describe it: WOW.

So there you have it! Another dream space came true, an authentic slice of Paris, with no passport required.


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