An outer space colorful adventure

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far far away, the impossible seemed to happen… The mystical forces of the Jedi, and the perfect accommodations of the Lego world combined, and a whole new space was created, a space so wonderful, so unique, so colorful, that only one special little boy was selected to live and to rule there…


This week we come to you with a whole new room, a boy’s room with all the power and the force that outer space galaxies come with, and all the colors that Lego bring to us. The cool thing about this room, is that it is 100% mural cover, all of the walls and all of the ceiling is covered head to toe with hand painted scenes of this magical fairytale world, that Lily Duclaud created hand in hand with our little client. The bed consists of a structure that makes the illusion that it is made of real, big-sized Lego pieces that conform a double bed situation, with a big bed in the center part, and a little individual bed in the individual part going up the stairs. The bedding structure also comes with an amazing lighting system, in which red and yellow and white lights turn on at the signal of our little Jedi’s indications. The same design that we chose for the bed, we made into a TV console, in which Lego blocks are stacked together to work as a shelve, the interesting thing about this is that these blocks can be put together in any way the client wants to, they could even work as bed side tables if the wished to, it gives a whole new meaning to the room that allows movement and variety.

The final details to this room is the rug that we selected to finish the space is made of squares to go with the aesthetic, as well as the pillows and bedding to go with the colors of the room, primary, red, blue, yellow and green, to complement the space but not to overcharge it.


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